Round table


The round table is a meeting of specialists around a thematic axis of debate. Each speaker will present a topic from their own perspective, being concrete and specific on the assigned topic. The coordinators will ask questions and comment on the topic discussed. The audience through the coordinators will be able to ask questions to the speaker.

Session duration


  • Start the session on time
  • Introduce themselves and each of the speakers
  • The length of your talk should not excedd the time allocated. Each  talk must be 10 minutes. The questions are made immediately after each presentation and for 5 minutes. (If the presentationexceeds the allotted time, then the discussion time of that talk is shortened, so we ask that you respect the times).
  • Moderate discussions
  • For the coordination of recorded lectures with foreign guests, the schedule must be agreed with the responsible company. Members of the scientific committee will contact you by phone for more details
  • Promote public participation
  • Give your personal input regarding the themes of the presentations, in the context of a feedback to each presentation
  • Close the table on time
  • It is recommended that coordinators be in contact with the other members of the table. For this reason, we provide them with their email addresses and attach an email format that can be used to initiate contact
  • Prepare the talk in the requested format: in Powerpoint, use the SAC template that can be downloaded from the web, duration of 10 minutes (12 minutes for international guest recordings).
  • Facilitate the Powerpoint before the event to minimize the risk of playback failures.
  • Be in contact with the table coordinator, who will contact you in advance.
  • It’s really important to arrive on site on timePresent the talk and then actively participate in the debate answering the questions of the coordinators, assistants and participating in the debate with the other speakers
  • Be respectful of the times agreed by the table coordinator
  • The discussion of your presentation will take place within 5 minutes after it, that is why we ask you to be respectful of the times in order not to shorten the discussion time.